Sorry that I don't have a before photo of our 1960's (not cool retro) kitchen. |
So the photo above is to show you some of the steps to we had to go through to get the kitchen like this. Notice the RED window is in the shots to give you perspective from where I am standing in the breakfast nook which is now a separate room as we had a wall built with a huge opening to see into the kitchen and to keep the light from being blocked. |
The cabinets were red and probably original but were falling apart. We painted them red since they were ugly brown when we moved in. It worked for 7 years but our counter tops were original, chipped, painted over, stained and completely embarrassing to me. |
We went with subway tiles and granite counter tops. My husband installed a metal pot holder that pulls out from the cabinet for easy access to our pots which used to hang between the dining room and the kitchen, collecting dust on an open hanging pot rack. |
I can't wait to inject my personality into this kitchen....retro, vintage items will be added and I want the accent color to be the perimeter of this sign. We need the kitchen painted so that the RED is gone forever. |
We kept our original tiled floor because it works for us. With 5 pets it just works. We are going to have the grout cleaned and sealed. |
Husband very happy about spice cabinet |
Color options for walls and trim.... |
Hi darlings, it has been a while since my last post but I feel like all I do is complain about how much pain I am in. Saturday was bad....I was miserable. I stayed in bed most of the day because I wanted to rest up for the delish dinner that Shayla of
Fortyish and Fluffy and her hubs were making for my husband and I. They are a really sweet, funny, generous and totally cool couple to hang with. My husband, Rob and I drove to their house around 7:15 pm and arrived (15minutes by car) for the most delicious appetizers and dinner you could imagine. I was stuffed and it felt good, after dinner we just hung out and I sipped on a shot of Jamaican rum that they brought back from their recent trip. Yes, I sipped a shot with ice. I have to take it easy, can't mix drugs and alcohol although I could have swigged the entire bottle considering the day of discomfort I had. Sometimes it just helps to get out of the house and out of your head....thank you guys for a wonderful evening. I had a great Sunday with minimal pain, I owe it to my great night out.
Sunday my husband (mostly him) put our kitchen back together organizing the cabinets and deciding where to put everything so that it has good flow while cooking. I helped as much as I could with rest in between. I am now addicted to pinterest! Are you following me? Let me know and I will follow you back. I am so inspired but also frustrated because I can't do much as far as creativity. Tomorrow will be three weeks post op. Most of the bruising and swelling has gone. I tried on one of my old bras that I used to overfill and I laughed because I would have had to add a sock to each cup in order to wear it. That made me happy. I miss you all and can't wait to do an outfit post. dawn xoxo
Your kitchen is looking great!! That is something on our list, updating our very retro kitchen too.
Glad you are starting to feel better!
i love the subway tiles! now i want to redo my kitchen! i am glad to hear that you are slowly but surely getting better! keep the socks, you never know when you'll get nostalgic!!
hooray to a brand new kitchen, friends, getting out of the house, & old bras you can throw away! boo to pain. :( i believe there will come a day, when it will fade away.
Decorating projects are so much work but they have their fun moments too. And it is always amazing seeing the end results.
I'm on pinterest too. It is so addicting isn't it?
Your kitchen looks gorgeous! And I am so glad it sounds like you are recovering well. Hopefully all of the pain will be gone soon. You should send me all of your old bras since mine just seems to be getting bigger and bigger every day! Ugh! xoxo.
Your kitchen looks beautiful! How exciting! And I'm so happy you got a laugh from your old bra! I was thinking about you today and hoping the girls are feeling better.
wow...your kitchen looks like a spread from a magazine...beautiful! All the dust and inconvenience was worth it. Glad to hear you are recovering well too...time to buy new bras..woopee
I liked the kitchen very much! And Shayla is very sweet! Sometimes she comments on my blog, and I try to do the same on hers, but I have to wait for a new post!
I read the previous post and I say the same... there was just the dream of wearing a bikini top, now... always!
Hope you are OK and I know you are happy! This is great!
aww the kitchen looks lovely, Dawn
LOVE the kitchen Dawn!! Feel better friend.....you should be feeling better soon, right? Maybe you should let the doc know how severe the pain still is?
I havent forgotten about you love, we have been SUPER busy with orders from the jewelry store...busy is good:)
Miss you MUCH!
hey dawn! they did a fabulous job with the kitchen girl. btw, i'm a mcCormick spice girl too ;) LOL your healing process is going well. glad you're moving around. lol at the sock in the bra!!! hahaha again it takes weeks to heal and mend. sounds normal. ((hug))
It looks gorgeous! The countertops are beautiful! I'm glad you guys came over Saturday - now get well soon so we can totally rip it up girl! We'll have to come over and break in the new kitchen (and boobs! - LOL!)
Your kitchen is looking great.
I'm so pleased you had a night out with friends to take the mind off feeling in pain, sounds like it helped (especially the rum!)
Laughing about the socks in your old bra - you'll have a good time buying new ones! xxxx
Looking good. Love fixing up my house to. I think its a womans thing
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