Tuesday, October 11, 2011


elizabeth olsen

Hi darlins, that is how I refer to all of my sweet seniors too!  It just comes so naturally when I am addressing them.  Last night was Bingo and MAN what a carazy evening.  Two of my most darling seniors kept repeating the Bingo numbers like little parrots the entire time.  I was going bonkers because it was like hearing an echo but one of the little darlins was also calling out other numbers too which was confusing everyone else.  I would say, "B12 and little darlin would say, " I don't have that number how about B4 or B5" which was then followed up by the other little darling saying, "now what was that last number D12".  There is no D in Bingo unless you are playing Dingo.  You get my drift, right?  Two Birds sisters Megan and Nora are hosting Inspiration Monday with Elizabeth Olsen as our inspiration.  Here is my take on her outfit.   I had no desire to do my hair today so up it went with a yellow flower that doubles as a pin and a clip.  Chanel earrings c/o my husband, thrifted Lord Taylor top, free people skirt(gift from my friend Jenni), shoes from Macy's, studded jacket TJ Maxx.   I am typing with one eye, so tired.  Thank you for your visit and stay inspired!!  Drop by http://www.twobirdsboutique.blogspot.com/  for more inspiration and link up with us next Monday.  Dawn xo


my thrifty closet said...

great interpretation...I love the leather jacket with the floral skirt, looks fabulous! The Chanel earrings are so pretty too


Collette Osuna said...

You look so great in that studded jacket!!! What a find:) Bingo...really does sound like fun....I havent played in years!!!

Statements in Fashion:A Funky Fashion Blog

Bird Bug Pug said...

fantastic outfit, love how you falled it up with a leather jacket, definitely added an edge to the outfit, it really works well

two birds said...

i love the edgy, leather jacket with the floral, feminine skirt. you look fabulous! and the earrings! what a nice gift. i love playing bingo and haven't played in years. sounds like fun!

Patti @ NotDeadYet Style said...

I love this outfit - great interpretation. I like to mix a tougher top with a girly skirt too. Love the Bingo stories!

Shayla said...

I don't know who Elizabeth Olson is but I love your outfit - sooo cute and Fall-like! Your stories of the seniors crack me up - you gotta laugh or you'll go crazy. I know you're also getting ready for the big bash so you must be exhausted!

Claire said...

i'm really loving the black and florals! i love your tights and jacket with the florals. you look lovely!


Meagan said...

I am crazy about the cute little floral dress with the leather jacket. and those Chanel earrings are amazing!

Amanda said...

Nice look! Love love love that skirt and your chanel earrings and biker jacket are faaaabulous, too darling!

skippysays said...

LOL that bingo night sounds like a lot of fun :) But maybe just to me because I love old people. I played a couple years ago with a friend and we actually had tons of fun. Love that jacket of yours!

Unknown said...

I love this look on you. It does a great job with those curves you are always talking about.
Your hair is perfect! You should wear it this way more often.
New link up for trending through the decades is up.......It's all about capes. Fly over and have some fun.

Emilie said...

lol love reading your stories.
nice outfit, wish i can see more of your shoes =)

“The only real failure in life is the failure to try.”

“The only real failure in life is the failure to try.”